
Ultralicious Chilli, Mango & Ginger Conserve

Ultralicious Chilli, Mango & Ginger Conserve

Review by Michael Elias

Product: Location of Manufacture: Yangebup WA, Australia

Ingredients: Sugar, Mango, Vinegar, Ginger, Garlic, Salt, Crushed Chilli, Cardamon, Peppercorns and Cloves

Review: This is a very interesting conserve. Has the right consistency and the flavour combinations work well together. It mild so not a lot of heat there. Very sweet for my personal taste but that’s not in a negative sense, its just that I’m sweet enough J.   It’s a 1 out of 10  on the my heat rating.

Verdict: Ultralicious Chilli, Mango & Ginger Conserve is a nice alternative to your run of the mill conserves. It has nice flavours and will work well as a breakfast condiment or with meats such as pork or chicken. My final score is 8 out of 10.

Ultralicious Chilli, Mango & Ginger Conserve
