

Andrew's Essential Fiery Food Facts that a Pyro-Gourmaniac needs to Know Part 27 Fiery Cuisines Part 21…… Morocco I love Moroccan food, the vegie options, the beans, the spices the chillies…..mmmm I hope you enjoy our recipes as much as I do Morocco is located in the north-western corner of...

Andrew's Essential Fiery Food Facts that a Pyro-Gourmaniac needs to Know Part 28 Fiery Cuisines Part 22…… Guadeloupe. I was first exposed to the food of the French Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, while working in the UK in 1988. While running the Devon Towers Hotel I was fortunate...

Andrew's Essential Fiery Food Facts that a Pyro-Gourmaniac needs to Know Part 23 Fiery Cuisines Part 17…… Cuba A country that was virtually cut off from the Western Word, due to the USA embargoes, Mythical home of the Habanero Chilli, Che , Castro, A country who’s cuisine makes...

Andrew's Essential Fiery Food Facts that a Pyro-Gourmaniac needs to Know Part 21 The Art of Jamaican Jerk Cooking   This has been a long time favourite of mine, for over 24 years I have used Jerk Rubs and Spice blends, serving , Jerked Swordfish , Jerked Chicken and...

Chef Andrew Dove’s list of the world’s 25 hottest Chillies Before we start, just let me say that if you think Jalapeno Chillies are hot, you are in for a rude awakening. As the don’t come anywhere near this list weighing in at around 5,000 SHU. A...