
Pizza Inn Chilli Cheese Pizza

Pizza Inn Chilli Cheese Pizza

Review by Michael Elias

Place: Pizza Inn

Menu Item: Pizza Inn Chilli Cheese Pizza

Location: Bexley North, NSW

Review: So we are back at Pizza Inn to try an “off the menu” item – the Chilli Cheese Pizza. Boy does this pizza bring the fire…it is hot…and it should be its got reaper paste in the sauce. Very nice but not the faint of heart so only attempt to eat one of these bad boys if you love your chilli. Heat rating 10 out of 10 but if you are feeling game to have more of the reaper in the pizza I’m sure Pizza Inn Bexley can push that heat rating to a 15/10 with more chilli.

Verdict: Another welcome addition to the pizza family for those who like their chilli. My final score is HUGE CHILLI 9.5 out of 10.


Pizza Inn Chilli Cheese Pizza
