30 Nov International recognition for local chilli champions

Chilli champions: Rob and Rachel Dunn of Krambach took three top titles in an international chilli awards competition.
IT was an ‘Aha moment’ inspired by English celebrity chef Jamie Oliver.
In his passionate, exuberant style of speech Jamie said, “If you’ve got some left over chilli just bash them up a bit and put them in salt. It’ll flavour the salt, I don’t know why more people don’t do it, it’s brilliant!’
Rob Dunn of Krambach was watching and the words inspired the creation of a business that is bringing chilli products to market that are winning international awards.
That was in May 2014 and today, Rob and his wife Rachel are now celebrating the success of their business, Australian Extreme Chilli Condiments at the 2015 Mr Chilli Awards. It attracts entries from Australia and New Zealand and Rob and Rachel are now recognised as producers of some of the best quality chilli salts and chilli sauces in Australia and New Zealand.
The chilli salts dominate the range and also dominated the awards. The trophies came in the ‘Best BBQ Chilli Salt’ category for the ‘Chilliken Delight’ – a chilli, chicken infused salt; the ‘Best Mild Heat’ category for the ‘Tropical Heat Beads’ – a chilli and mango infused salt; the ‘Best Pepper Infused Salt’ for the ‘Szechwan Surprise’ – a peppercorn, lime and Birdseye chilli infused salt and a third place trophy for ‘Robbo’s Citrus Kiss’ – a citrus yellow tomato-based sauce for use with white meats and fish.
The haul of trophies is a source of pride for Rob and Rachel and affirms their decision to create a business that supports their passion for chilli.
Rob says he’s grown chillis since he was 17 years old – that’s 30 years ago – and has always dabbled in making chilli sauces for family and friends.
Numerous chilli varieties feature in all Australian Extreme Chilli Condiments and all are grown locally. They range from “mild to wild”, according to Rob and include the world’s hottest chilli – the Carolina Reaper. A diversity of flavour and heat in their product range comes from chillis such as the Seven Pot Yellow, Bhut Jolokia, Moruga Scorpion, Moruga Scorpion Yellow, Trinidad Scorpion Butch Tea, Fatalli Yellow, Habenero Chilli, Birdseye Chilli and the rare Australian Atomic Top End Chilli Tree.
Rob believes the early success of their business comes from the fact that “we are all about quality not quantity” and that is the foundation on which they will continue to grow their business.
Rob says the products are available from the Car Park Deli in Taree and via website:http://australianchillicondiments.com/
However, Rob and Rachel are keen to introduce the Manning Valley to the Australian Extreme Chilli Condiments range and will be one of the stallholders supporting the Night Bazaar in Taree tomorrow, Saturday November 28.
(Source: http://www.manningrivertimes.com.au/) by Ainslee Dennis