20 Apr Hellfire Bay – Chilli Mango
Review by Greg Wagenmakers
Product: Hellfire Bay- Chilli Mango
Location of Manufacture: Esperance, WA
Ingredients: Water, vinegar, mango, cayenne chilli, white wine, coriander, ginger, palm sugar, garlic, salt, maize flour and xantham gum.
Review: Another lovely sauce from Western Australia. This is a very worthy recipient of the 3rd place at the Mr Chilli Awards 2017, ‘Fruit’ category. This is by no means a hot sauce and it isn’t supposed to be. This sauce encourages the consumer to enjoy the sauce; to savour it. There is a perfect balance of flavour in this sauce but the hero in my opinion is not the mango, it is the ginger. The fruity flavour does indeed come from the mango, as does the smooth, almost creamy consistency but the ginger brings this sauce to life! This ingredient is the one that makes this sauce totally different to other sauces. The ginger adds a freshness, a fragrance and something interesting.
Chilli Mango complimented my dinner of sausages and rissoles well, but I think it would have been better suited to a pork chop dish or even used as a runny chutney with an Indian curry, similar to that of a raita. This is exactly what I will use the next time I have a Tikka Masala or a Vindaloo.
The orange goodness that is contained in this bottle should be included in any mild-medium chilli fan’s fridge. It is interesting, memorable and delicious and will certainly compliment and enhances one’s culinary experience.
For flavour, I rate this sauce an 8/10 and for heat I rate this a 3.5/ 10.