02 Aug Diemen’s Original Hot Sauce
Review by Michael Elias
Product: Diemen’s Original Hot Sauce
Location of Manufacture: Prahran, VIC, Australia
Ingredients: Red Chilli Puree(Red Cayenne, Red Habanero), acetic acid, vinegar, water, salt, garlic, Diemen Pepper Berries, Xantham Gum
Review: I like a good hot sauce, especially the type of hot sauces that you would have with your favourite burritos or tacos. Diemen’s hot sauce has put their own Australian spin on this hot sauce by adding some Diemen Pepper Berries which are native to Tasmania. I could almost imagine a convict on the run, starving for food and making the big mistake of grabbing these little black berries for food. The pepper on its own is quite hot but Diemen’s has added just enough to their sauce ingredients to give a nice peppery heat and flavour. The chilli sauce has a real bush flavour and the pepper works well with the chilli puree. On the whole it’s a heat that doesn’t quite hit you straight away but sneaks up on you. On my heat scale it’s a 5 out of 10.
Verdict: Diemen’s Original Hot Sauce is a far superior hot sauce offering compared to the usual fare available at your local supermarket(it’s much better than that sauce that rhymes with Bobasco J). Its an all-rounder style of sauce and will work with pretty much any protein cooked any way as well as on your favourite Mexican foods. A real fine effort and great flavours. My final score is a 9 out of 10
Kind Regards,