
Grumpy Gary’s Mango Hot Sauce

Grumpy Gary’s Mango Hot Sauce

Review by Greg Wagenmakers

Product: Grumpy Gary’s Mango Hot Sauce

Location of Manufacture: Cranbourne, Victoria

Ingredients: Mango Pulp (60%) vinegar, red chilli (15%) water, sugar, salt and cumin

Review: This was the first time I had tried a product from Victoria-based manufacturer, Grumpy Gary’s and I was absolutely delighted with what I tried. This sauce won 1st place at the 2017 Mr Chilli Awards in the ‘Tropical’ category.  I loved this sauce. It was delicious. The mango is definitely the hero, with its flavour permeating every aspect of the sauce but also adding to the smooth consistency. There was a slight interruption of seeds, which did not detract from the sauces enjoyment.  The other element of this sauce that made it exquisitely unique was the addition of the final ingredient: cumin. This spice can do no wrong, be it added to breads, curries or pies. Added to this sauce, took the experience to another level.

A word of advice to other sauce manufacturers: experiment with spices! Grumpy Gary’s has set the bar very high with this ‘Tropical Sauce’ and it will take a super extraordinary effort to knock it from its middle podium.

For flavour, I give this sauce a 9.5/10 and for heat, it would receive a 3/10. Very satisfying and very delicious! This bottle is a keeper.


