
Bings Peppers: Habanero Chilli Sauce

Bings Peppers: Habanero Chilli Sauce

Review by Greg Wagenmakers


Location of Manufacture: Mt Isa, Qld

Ingredients: Red Pepper, Onion, Vinegar, Garlic, Chilli, Spices, Syrup

Review: I came about reviewing this sauce through a colleague. Upon receiving it, I cracked open the bottle and gave it a quick smell, which hinted some sweetness. I then added a bit of sauce to my fingertip and tasted it; everything seemed ok, so I just had a swig from the bottle. Although this is a bit of a ‘wanker’ move, I wanted to see how much kick it had. Now, to my surprise I my mouth wasn’t torn to shreds, which can happen with habanero sauces. They are certainly a surprise package. There are sauces that will sit in the fridge because they’re too damn hot and there are these ones where they have a kick, are tasty and are basically enjoyable to have.

A massive kudos must go out to Bings Peppers for keeping their chest deflated on this one. This sauce had the potential to be a really hot sauce but they have put flavour first and for this they must be commended. The mild heat was restricted to my tongue but only last a minute or so. It wasn’t panic stations though. Everything was composed and savoured. Perhaps my taste bugs deceive me but I ‘think’ I tasted mango in the sauce? This could be the syrup mentioned in the ingredients list, but there is something sweet in this sauce that makes it rather moreish.

This sauce would go well with BBQ sausages, chicken dishes and due to the sweetness, even a grilled fish or a substitute for chutney in an Indian tikka masala or butter chicken. This sauce won’t last long in my fridge so I had better try and make it last.

Look out for this product if they ever expand. It’s good stuff. For flavour I’ll give it a 9/10 and for heat perhaps a 4 or 5/10?

Greg Wagenmakers