
spicy Tag

Review by Greg Wagenmakers Product: Disaster Bay Chillies: Spicy Kasoundi Indian Chutney Location of Manufacture: Eden, NSW Ingredients: Ripe Tomatoes, Cayenne, Jalapeño and Manzano Chillies, Vinegar, Fresh Ginger, Vegetable oil, Sugar, Black Mustard seeds, Spice and Salt. Review: This was a new type of product that I had the...

Review by Michael Elias Product: Disaster Bay Spicy Kasoundi Indian Chutney Location of Manufacture: Eden NSW Australia Ingredients: Ripe Tomatoes, organically grown chillies(Cayenne,Jalapeno, manzano), vinegar, fresh ginger, fresh garlic, vegetable oil, cane sugar, spices, salt Review: This Disaster Bay spicy kasoundi Indian chilli chutney offering from Disaster Bay is...

Chilli peppers are a delicious and all natural way to incorporate some spice into your life! Although usually thought of as a vegetable, these little firebombs are technically a seedy fruit of their respective plants. With hundreds of varieties of peppers available, it’s easy to...