

International Cuisine, Tunisia, Vegetarian



  • 1 tbls extra virgin Olive oil
  • 100 gm Onion chopped
  • 1 Garlic clove, finely chopped
  • 1 tbls Parsley finely chopped
  • 200 gm Sweet Potato, after cooking and peeling
  • 2 tsp Harissa
  • 1 Egg, separated
  • Salt to taste
  • 12–15 regular-sized (20cm  square) lumpia shells or thin spring roll skins
  • 1 or more cups of Vegetable oil for frying briks



  1. Heat an  panlarge over high heat for 20 seconds. Add Olive oil and heat for 10 seconds more. Reduce the heat if the oil is smoking, and add the Onion.
  2. Sauté the Onion until golden. Add the garlic and sauté another min until the mixture is fragrant; do not let the Garlic get too dark.
  3. Remove the pan with the Onion mixture from the heat, and add the Parsley and Potato. Mash the Potato well to mix all of the ingredients together. Add the Harissa, Egg yolk, and Salt to taste, and stir to combine.
  4. Combine the remaining Egg white with 1 teaspoon of water.
  5. Lay one lumpia shell or spring roll skin on a board or countertop. Place 1 heaping tablespoon of the Potato mixture in the centre. Using your finger, rub some Egg white on the bottom and top edges of the shell or skin.
  6. Fold the bottom edge over the filling, and lightly press down along the long edge. Do the same with the top edge, bringing it down to the long edge, creating a rectangle.
  7. Rub some Egg white on the left and right edges of the formed rectangle. Fold the right edge over the filled section and gently press down to seal the edge. Repeat with the left edge, creating a packet that looks almost square. Place seam side down on a plate while you form the other packets.
  8. Pour the Oil into a flat-bottomed wok or a small saucepan so that the oil is 3 cm deep.
  9. Heat the oil to 175c on a frying thermometer until hot but not smoking.
  10. Place the packets, 2 or 3 at a time, into the hot oil, seam side down. Fry until lightly golden and the tops begin to puff up a little. Turn the briks over and fry just until lightly browned. Immediately remove from the oil with a wire spatula or slotted spoon. Drain on crumpled paper towels and serve. Additional harissa may be used for a dip, if desired.