

Chicken, International Cuisine, Portuguese

Peri Peri BBQ Chicken




-The Marinade
1/2 cup Vegetable oil
1/3 cup BBQ sauce
3 tbls Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1 tbls Onion powder
2 tsps lemon juice
4 tsp Shashemane Brutal Byron Bajun
1 tsp Yellow Mustard
2 tsp Salt
Cracked Black Pepper

2kg Chicken, butterflied
Salt and Pepper to season



  1. Mix all of the marinade ingredients except for the Shashemane Brutal Byron Bajun together until well combined. Mix in 4 tsp of Shashemane Brutal Byron Bajun, taste test, and work from there until reaching your desired level of heat
  2. Using 3/4 of the marinade, coat the Chicken evenly on the outside, as well as under the skin where possible especially the breast, until fully coated in sauce. Cover with cling wrap and refrigerate over night. (The longer you leave it, the better the flavours.)
  3. When ready to cook, arrange oven shelf to the middle of the oven, and preheat to 245°C.
  4. Remove the Chicken from the refrigerator and let it sit on a bench top for 15 mins, time to take the chill out of the chicken.
  5. Heat 2 tbls of Oil in an oven proof pan over medium heat. When pan is hot, place Chicken, breast-side down into the pan, and sear for a good 5-6 mins, until the skin becomes golden browned. Flip and sear on the other side for a further 5 mins.
  6. Add 2 tbls of Oil to the remaining marinade, and pour half of it over the chicken. Use a basting brush to coat evenly.
  7. Place the Chicken in the preheated oven, and cook for 55-60 mins, or until cooked right through to the centre and juices run clear.
  8. Once the Chicken is done, baste with the pan drippings and serve with any remaining UNTOUCHED marinade to use as a dipping sauce.
  9. Serve with barbecued corn

Place Chicken on well-greased grill over medium heat, skin-side down, for 10-12 mins, until the skin begins to have a nice char on it. Add 2 more tbls of Oil to the remaining marinade. Flip and baste with a small amount of sauce , not too much or it will burn on your grill plates. Close barbecue lid and cook for 40-45 mins, flipping once or twice while cooking, until Chicken is completely cooked through and juices run clear.